Pratibha E Magazine ( February Month )
Pratibha E-Magazine ( February Month ) Description This is Pratibha E-Magazine , second launch The Date Is 28 February 2021 Sunday, This ma…
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text.
Pratibha E-Magazine ( February Month ) Description This is Pratibha E-Magazine , second launch The Date Is 28 February 2021 Sunday, This ma…
Page of Quotes शिक्षा इंसान को बुलंदी तक ले जाता है और उसको सोहरत देती है। अगर कुछ बानाना है तो शिक्षा को अपनना होगा तभी कुछ हासिल होगा। बिना शिक्षा…
Article : Important Of Education In Our Life Education is a fundamental asset for humans. It allows an individual to explore the world through …
Poetry : EDUCATION For some it is a privilege For others it's a right The difference between darkness And a future that is bright. Some will th…
Micro tales HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT PATH Many of you having peculiar doubts, regarding choosing the right path. It is like a vendo…
Key to Empowerment Education is your foundation To fulfill your ambition; For working with Determination To reach your Destination!!! It will giv…
Old Time- Full of Knowledge! When I was small and less than twelve I played in the dusty streets of my city Not many vehicles would cross those roa…
Quotes : Study Study with knowledge, Study with greatness, Study with brilliance, Study with confidence. . To study means improving, Improving your…
study Alone Study alone without distraction, With distraction keeps you away, Away from reaching potential, Potential to do so much more. . Study a…
It all starts with a single yes It all starts with a single yes, The faith in oneself, Not caring about the rest, You feel hopeless, you feel helpl…
One thing that has to be kept in mind One thing that has to be kept in mind, For making our future bright. Is the importance of education, Which le…
हे मां शारदे.. हे मां शारदे तेरी स्तुति करूं वंदन करूं तेरे चरणों में अपना सर्वस्व अर्पण करूं हे हंस वाहिनी , वीणा वादिनी मां तेरी महिमा का गुणग…
बसंती हवाओं का मौसम आया बसंती हवाओं का मौसम आया हवा ने पेड़ के पत्तों को गिराया, पतझड़ बन गये सब पेड़ सूखे पत्तों का बन गया ढेर, हवा बिखेर रही मुस…
“ सरस्वती वंदना ” हे वीणापाणि ,हे शारदे अज्ञानता से हमें तार दे ----- हर कर तम मेरी मेधा का मेरी प्रज्ञा को धवल कर दे भर दे उजाला अन्तस् में विद्या…
कविता " ज्यूँ ही आता है वसंत ” ज्यूँ ही आता है वसंत, दे जाता हमें खुशियाँ अनंत, ह्रदय मानो खिल जाता है, लोगो को ये मौसम भाता है| सूरज की चमक ब…
Poetry : IN NEED OF EDUCATION The world stands in need of education , It still has to learn a lot ! There are many who were robbed , For them kn…
Poetry : Education Education is an art of achieving visions to understand different things. Education is a journey from illiterate to literate, Educ…
Quotes : Education "If you feel a nature, education is more important than future ". Understand a basic needs of education, your developi…
Article : Importance of education Education is the foundation laid by elders, teachers, well-wishers and lots more. Significance of education plays a…
Poetry : Steps Towards Success A simple beginning is necessary. In fulfilling the words of dictionary. The sense of gaining knowledge is required. …
Article: IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION Bed rock of knowledge and knowledge is pen and pen is mightier than sword; you can rule and guide with power of pe…
कविता वो पढ़ाई कैसी ? जिससे आप में विद्या का वाश ना हो, जिससे आपके बुराइयों का नाश ना हो । जिससे आपको अपने आप में विश्वास ना हो, जिससे आप में कुछ क…
कविता " पढ़ाई आवश्यक है । " ज्ञान ही जीवन का सार है, ज्ञान से बढ़ता सब में प्यार है, ज्ञान के बिना जीवन बेकार है, ज्ञान से होता सब का उद्धा…
" आओ समाज मे शिक्षा का नारा लगाएं..” आओ समाज मे शिक्षा का नारा लगाएं... आओ समाज मे शिक्षा का नारा लगाएं... हर इंसान को ज्ञान से समृद्ध बनाएं..…
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting has been the industry's.