It all starts with a single yes


It all starts with a single yes

It all starts with a single yes,
The faith in oneself,
Not caring about the rest,
You feel hopeless, you feel helpless,
All way despair & the night sleepless.

With nomadic mind you sit for study,
Not even a single concept seems ready,
Still you put on you power, but
You are easily overpowered.
You feel like sobbing, you feel frustrated,
But success can't be so easily rated.
“I can't carry-on any more", says the brain,
The whole energy seems to be drained.

Garnering motivation again you sit down,
So helpless but you still keep on.
The rest are gone far but your belief keeps your dream living,
With stedfast effort you keep on trying.
Falling thrice, standing once,
Crying, clambering, contending, clinging, flunking, failing, struggling but still striving.

But Success depends on fellow's Will,
You can move the Stars & crumble the hills.
The night blush sky and moon shone bright,
Gives you strength & the will to fight.
Many a times it all becomes impossible,
But you are here & the dream is real.

The enervation made you cry,
But you didn't give up to try.
By putting in drudge bit by bit,
While other's were sleeping you were climbing the Hill,
The “The Hill of Vast SUBJECTS", “the Sand of Immense SYLLABUS", & “the Ocean of CONCEPTS", Not even a single night you spent with rest.

The result day closed in,
Ohh Man!! It's you.
You are the STAR, you are the Achiever,
All doubts & despair got withered.

Can any nonsencial, trumpery stuff ever have given you such felicitousness?
All dubiousness got vanished & it all makes sense.
You realized your destiny, & embraced your dream,
You proved yourself to all damn sheep.
You cried with delight, your Parents head High.

Writer : Biswajita Dandapat