Bed rock of knowledge and knowledge is pen and pen is mightier than sword; you can rule and guide with power of pen.

When you have education your shoes will sound nice on the ground and if lack education in any most adoptable lessons chosen not by you, your shoes will draw on the ground.  

Education immortalize your ink; wherever you go the doting sign of educated mind always Imping and leave mark behind.

Those that survive are those that take their education with all humility, through various lessons of lives they find education; under scorching sunshine or smiling moon or beauty of rainbows or hardship of rainfall, they learn from life experiences under the shade of darkness or light - education pass through them and their lessons are from education.

Pen binded with the cardboard, books brings knowledge into mind and brain absorb from knowledge gathered into the mind. What is point of crowded students in a tiny class without comprehension of teachers' demonstration? They are nourish without vitamins' ingredients and flourish into malpractices that lead to endless failures.

Education truly learn resided in the heart and lessons taking-in nourish to flourish the mentality of beliefs and idealogy. It resided in the heart to rule out ones world after helping you in unique innovation of your uniqueness.

Education that passed through you and you passed through it solidify your truth or stand against or for the diversity of ideology in life including religion and culture. You can choose your dynamic path and you can choose to follow the one that influence you or were influence by; education that truly learn by mind will help you determine this.

Education will prevail you in the rough and in the rough you become tough. The mind that is educated leave true wisdom behind as guidance and knowledge for unborn great minds.

Diaries of great minds with lessons of education lead in the world chaos and profer solutions to sturborn problems. Their ink is voice that stand out always, they lead path of legacy and their eyes see the sea of vision which was explicit, exploded after expounded and established. 

Their dreams never slide out from their hands; with their pen-mind they realized all dreams even with pain

Writer : James Olorioko-LAM