Micro tales


Micro tales 


                Many of you having peculiar doubts, regarding choosing the right path. It is like a vendor, where we picking the job of ourselves. Some may have even succeed, but many of you could been in the downfall. The collision  always,  took place, whenever  if it was occurred due to  the certain aspects.   Like it was happen manly, likewise we hadn't  put our eye contact on it.  Fruequently, it  has been transgressed  the roofs,   slowly to the amount of destruction. 


             Think twice, while dwelling into anything. In your perspective, it will  dumb you back. Don't get too much attached to the  flight one. Though it may be sweet as a sugarcane. But at last, it would have bestowed  the assurance of  shameful experience. First, decide the sketch we want to estimate  for, then goes to any other. Never taste the food, before it been expiry because, it aced the way you were on. 
              It is the problem ever, we usually  met ,when the pile of  circumstances   ,were out of order and control.  Getting, the disease, cakewalkly  ,slashing our brain .If you want to get rectified  of that,  won't  be take any kind  of an activities, yet  your mind to be reflected. 


Keeping the bundle of secrets, swagging our depressed mind, to be out  of cable. Try to be embellish your soul, in certain version. Moreover ,being embarking   in  the tunnel  of superiority complexes. Enslaving your unpredictable  desires as your wish, keenly depicts your thumbnail . The venture might be took place, when you able to control your  emotions,wisdom ,dignity and so on everything. Likewise, it jest  your brain, into the kettle  mode. It is okay to be loser, in your battle. None, could even done the  vast stuffs, for you. The hardships, might drowned at such case, but  really never leave as an orphan. Husting the society, isn't  more significant than your tireless mind. 


                Doing, several yoga and excersises tend to regenerated  your body and rejuvenated  your mind.It will evolved up your mind to transmitted to the immaculate  peace. If we wasn't  believe ever, it just cling you in an optimistic  manner. Just cruising you into the righteous  kinships. Building you enough strength, to contributed in the  fake  world. 


             It always enabled to cross the criteria, the cringe, you have been oozed, it exhaled our veins to be more   authentic than ever before. By reading  the different characters, you will intend to be a worshipper of books slowly.To get immediate  noticed, to be learn and recite, the good manuscripts. Some more contents, may be affluent and some to be  desperate  ,in your sand path. 

Everyone, brings glory but some to be restrained the terrible pace, and some to be lethargic. To the greatness, it makes us awful. Unless, you won't  be a leader of yours.

Writer : S. P. Sharanya